xjDocs is an automatic code documentation generator for Xojo. Based on special comments and notes you include in your Xojo project, and customizable templates, xjDocs will generate HTML documentation for your code.
xjDocs is free to use.
Please note: The current version of xjDocs is an "Alpha" release, meaning it is in an unfinished state, and those who download and use it will be testing its functionality and operation. If you are uncomfortable being a software tester, you should wait for a final release.
Contact: For now, to discuss any issues, email: pmessias@parkbenchsoftware.com or join the discussion thread in the Xojo forum
Alpha Limitations
- Only "rbvcp" and "xojo_project" (text) format projects are currently supported. (Based on demand for processing XML version projects, or XML format external items, we will consider updating and releasing XML support.) There is almost no chance we will support binary format projects.
- External project items are not currently supported. (Xojo will need to support text format externals, or we will need to add back XML format support in order to process external items. Binary format external items will not be supported)
- Error reporting is minimal (at best)
- The documentation is incomplete (yes, we see the irony in that, but xjDocs is for code documentaion, not application documentation)
System Requirements
- MacOS X 10.9 or greater
- Windows: Limited testing done on Windows 7 (32 bit) and Windows 10 (64 bit)
- Linux: Limited testing done on Ubuntu Desktop 12.04.4 (32 bit)
- 1024 x 768 or greater resolution monitor